The Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Foundation, a 501(c) 3 corporation, exists to raise and manage financial resources to support the mission and priorities of NICC. The Foundation is responsible for identifying and building relationships with potential donors, organizations, grant sources, and friends of the College. This allows enhanced financial opportunities for students scholarships and promotes additional funding streams that might otherwise be unavailable to the College
Foundation Mission
The Northeast Iowa Community Foundation is a trusted philanthropic partner creating opportunities for donors and communities to impact learner success.
Foundation Vision
Elevating Lives. Educational Opportunities for All.
Foundation Values
- Integrity
- Community
- Collaboration
- Teamwork
- Accountability
Golf Tournaments
Since 1981, the NICC Foundation has hosted golf tournaments to raise funds for scholarships. Sponsorship and participation in these tournaments directly impact the lives of students and their families who, without the option of scholarships, may not be able to obtain an education. Starting in 2025, the golf tournaments will be hosted primarily by NICC Athletics.
Hall of Fame
On every odd year, outstanding alumni and retirees are recognized for their career accomplishments as well as service and leadership in their communities. The Hall of Fame also honors newly-inducted Legacy Society members. These individuals have chosen to honor their passion for education with a charitable planned gift by naming the College in their will or as a beneficiary on their life insurance policy or their individual retirement account.
The College actively engages alumni in events, Hall of Fame recognition and all other Foundation events.
High School Options - Earning College Credits
Northeast Iowa Community College has cooperative programs with 27 high schools in its district. These cooperative agreements identify career technical and academic program prerequisite courses for high school students, provide a challenging educational experience and ensure a smoother transition to college. All programs are guided by Senior Year Plus, available at:
Concurrent Enrollment
Northeast Iowa Community College’s concurrent enrollment program has been accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). NACEP ensures rigor and high standards “so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development” ( Concurrent enrollment classes enable high school students who have met the requirements of the College and the local district to take college coursework. High school instructors who have been approved and contracted by the community college teach these college courses using the NICC curriculum. High school and college credit is received upon successful completion of the coursework. Concurrent enrollment classes are open to all registered community college students. Visit: to view available course options at your high school.
Placement in College Credit “PICC”
Northeast Iowa Community College allows enrollment into on-campus and online sections of college courses through PICC agreements with local school districts. Course offerings each term are available at Local school districts determine course and student eligibility for these offerings. Students must also meet the college pre-requisites of each course for eligibility. High school and college credit is received upon successful completion of the course. Visit for more information.
Articulation is the process of mutually agreed upon core competencies and performance levels transferable between institutions (school district and NICC) and courses for college credit. Articulation enables students enrolled in high school courses to receive articulated credit for NICC career and technical program, non-transfer level classes. Competencies are agreed upon between the high school and the College faculty and dean. Credit is entered on an NICC transcript after the student has accumulated 12 NICC credits post-high school. Students must attend NICC within 12 months of high school graduation to be eligible for articulated credit. Articulated courses do not contribute to the student’s NICC grade point average, but do satisfy specific career program requirements. Visit to view articulated courses at your high school.
Community Cooperative Educational Programs
The Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Board of Trustees supports providing access to personal and professional continuing education enrichment opportunities for district residents. These enrichment courses are offered on our campuses, at the service locations and other sites throughout northeast Iowa as appropriate. Individuals at the NICC campuses and service locations, with input from business, industry, community school districts and community members, are actively involved in the development and delivery of these programs.
Adult Education and Literacy Program
The Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) program offers classes to any adult, age 16 or older, who is not enrolled or not required to be enrolled in high school. Two types of classes are offered: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED)
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) helps people with limited English skills to improve in listening, reading, speaking, and writing for their daily life and work in the United States. TOEFL and citizenship preparation classes are available on request. ESOL classes are offered year round at several locations throughout Northeast Iowa.
- High school equivalency diploma (HSED, formerly known as GED) classes help students who did not finish high school to receive a high school equivalency diploma from the state of Iowa. The diploma shows that an individual has a level of educational development similar to a high-school graduate. HSED classes are free and available year round, but registration is required. Class attendance is a mandatory requirement of the Department of Education in order to be eligible for the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET). The HiSET consists of five tests: reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. They are available in English, Spanish, French, large print, and audio formats.
Testing centers are located in Calmar, Dubuque, Cresco, Manchester and Oelwein. Since most employment and training opportunities require a high school diploma or its equivalent as the minimum educational standard, this program is vital for those working toward college or career goals.
For more information about the AEL program, call 844.642.2338, ext. 3100.
Business and Community Solutions
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions programs are marked by three student driven and community focused principles: program versatility, location diversity and flexible scheduling. Programs, personal and professional, are developed and delivered in response to the educational needs to the people and the businesses in the communities we serve. During a typical school year, NICC Business and Community Solutions will offer more than 38,500 enrollments in a variety of programs.
The needs of our communities are important in the program planning process. Business and Community Solutions offers the student the opportunity to participate in programs ranging from one-hour seminars to multi-day educational sessions. In cooperation with local school districts, Business and Community Solutions offers many programs at various sites throughout our communities and online providing convenient educational opportunities. Business and Community Solutions partners with business and industry in northeast Iowa to provide innovative, customized training for workforce development.
For more information on Business and Community Solutions programs visit or call:
Calmar: 844.642.2338, ext. 1399
Dubuque: 844.642.2338, ext. 3700
Vocational Programs
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) occupational programs are designed to provide the specific skills and knowledge essential for successful entry into an occupation. These courses and career pathway certificates are designed in various employment fields for training and retraining.
Some occupational programming areas offered include:
Agriculture, business, health occupations, computer technology, family and consumer science, advanced manufacturing/industrial technology, renewable energy and office occupations.
Examples of programs offered include: Banking, Real Estate Sales, Certified Nurse Aide, Emergency Medical Technician, Phlebotomy Technician, Coaching, Computer Networking, Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Welding, Advanced Manufacturing, Building Construction, Construction Equipment Operator and Class A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) as well as numerous other programs of interest.
All programs follow applicable state and federal guidelines for curriculum development, and carry licensure or certification opportunities if appropriate.
Licensure and Recertification
The Mandatory Continuing Education Act, requiring licensed occupations in the state to have a certain amount of continuing education as a condition of relicensure/ recertification, was passed by the state of Iowa in 1977.
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions provides a variety of relicensure/recertification opportunities and awards Continuing Education Units (CEU), Continuing Education Hours (CEH) or contact hours for completion of continuing education experiences.
Examples of occupations for which programs are currently offered include:
cosmetologists, physical therapists, dentists, psychologists, dental hygienists and assistants, real estate agents, speech pathologists, funeral directors, audiologists, lawyers, social workers, respiratory therapists, accountants, emergency medical services, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, insurance agents, nursing home administrators, water/waste plant operators, electricians, plumbers, massage therapists and auto dealers. Additional program information may be available upon request.
Event Management and Facility Rentals
Organizations and businesses planning meetings, large conferences or professional events can call upon the Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions team to assist in program planning, curriculum development, instructor recruitment, logistical planning, catering, marketing and printing services for their event. Clients can select the specific services that they require to produce a memorable conference experience for participants. NICC provides services including facilities, technology, video conferencing, multimedia equipment, wireless internet and more to assist you in delivering high-impact learning experiences for your employees or organization members.
The Town Clock Business Center, located in Dubuque, and the Wilder Business Center on the Calmar campus, house full-scale Business and Community Solutions operations, complete with conference facilities, boardrooms with video conferencing services, computer labs, testing facilities, nursing labs and much more.
In addition to the Town Clock Business Center and the Wilder Business Center, computer labs, nursing labs, conference facilities and conference support accommodations may be found on the NICC campuses in Calmar and Peosta and at the NICC service locations in Cresco, Dubuque, Manchester, Oelwein and Waukon.
Professional Development
The mission of Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions is to provide accessible, affordable, quality education and training to meet the needs of our communities. Business and Community Solutions has programming in the areas of Career Development, Computer Technology, Health, Licensure and Recertification, Trades and Industry, Transportation, Personal Enrichment and Youth Programming. Training can range from courses that offer short term certification, professional development or skill enhancement, or personal growth or enrichment.
Iowa New Jobs Training Program (260E)
This program provides training services to new employees of businesses that are new, expanding or relocating from another state to Iowa. Training services are tailored to meet the individual needs of the business. Types of training range from adult basic education to highly technical training. The program is funded through certificates sold by Northeast Iowa Community College. The certificate debt is resolved through the diversion of increased payroll tax receipts from the new jobs.
Iowa Jobs Training Program (260F)
This program helps Iowa businesses fund customized training for current employees. It is designed to ensure that Iowa’s workforce has the skills and expertise to be competitive. Training can range from basic to highly technical skills. State funds are matched with those of the business to provide financial support for training.
Customized Training
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) works directly with businesses to develop and deliver training and consulting that is fully customized to address business needs and objectives of our clients. Our custom training solutions include career and professional development, leadership, information technology, Industrial technology, and health and safety.
Small Business Development Center
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at NICC located in downtown Dubuque at the Schmid Innovation Center is accessible to the northeast Iowa business community. It serves entrepreneurs and existing businesses in Allamakee, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque and Winneshiek counties, providing free, confidential, customized advice to businesses with 500 employees or less. The SBDC also presents affordable workshops that teach practical skills and techniques, conducts research, provides comprehensive information services and offers access to subject matter experts in a variety of fields.
For more information on the services provided by Business and Community Solutions call:
Calmar: 844.642.2338, ext. 1399
Dubuque: 844.642.2338, ext. 3700