Mar 28, 2025  
2025-2026 College Catalog 
2025-2026 College Catalog

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to help students finance their college education. Financial assistance is available through grants, federal student loans, student employment (work study), scholarships and sponsorships through coordination with federal, state and other agencies. All students who possess a high school diploma or a high school equivalent diploma (HSED) may apply for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at The financial aid staff within Student Services at Northeast Iowa Community College will guide students through the financial aid process as well as answer questions on how to pay for college.

The Financial Aid Office sends important announcements and student notifications regarding aid eligibility, verification, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), student loans, aid offers and other timely information via the NICC email account. It is the student’s responsibility to read their NICC email on a regular basis.

Financial Aid Eligibility

  • U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • High school diploma, HSED or has completed home schooling at the secondary level
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Accepted into a Title IV eligible degree, diploma or certificate program
  • Possess a valid Social Security Number
  • Does not owe a refund back on a federal grant or is not in default on a federal educational loan
  • Attend the classes for which they are registered
  • Enrolled in courses required for degree program

Federal and State Financial Aid Application and Process

  1. Students (and applicable contributors) are required to create and maintain a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID). This FSA ID is required to complete and submit a FAFSA and also gives the student access to Federal Student Aid’s online systems.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - .Students must submit a new FAFSA for each academic year. The FAFSA is available October 1 of any given year to determine aid eligibility for the next academic year, which begins with the fall semester and also includes the following spring and summer semesters. As some financial aid funds are administered on a first-come, first-served basis, it is recommended to complete your FAFSA as early as possible. Information needed in order to complete the FAFSA include the appropriate year’s income tax forms, W-2s, social security numbers, bank statements, records of investments and untaxed income. 
    • The information reported on the FAFSA is used to calculate the Student Aid Index (SAI).  Beginning with the 2024-2025 FAFSA cycle, the SAI replaces the expected family contribution (EFC) that was used in previous years.  The SAI is an eligibility index number that colleges use to determine how much federal and state student aid a student may be eligible for and is calculated according to a federal methodology formula established by law. The Cost of Attendance (COA), estimated tuition, fees, textbooks and supplies, housing and meals, travel expenses and personal expenses, minus the SAI is what determines the type of need-based financial aid for which the student may qualify.
    • For more information about the SAI and federal financial aid in general, visit
  3. After your FAFSA form is submitted and processed, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access an online copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary - an electronic or paper document that summarizes the information you reported on your FAFSA form. It includes your estimated eligibility for a Federal Pell Grant and federal student loans, your Student Aid Index (SAI), and whether you’ve been selected for verification. The FAFSA Submission Summary replaces the Student Aid Report for the 2024-25 award year.

  4. Students will access their Financial Aid Checklist via the MyCampus > Self Service - Financial Aid portal, and complete them as directed. Self Service will display the necessary steps to follow in order to secure a student’s financial aid, and may include reviewing required documents, accepting student loans, viewing an Aid Offer and much more.
    • Reviewing Required Documents of Missing Information may be a part of the financial checklist. Each document listed outlines additional steps to follow and may require submitting a paper or electronic form to the Financial Aid Office via Student e-Forms.
    • The U.S. Department of Education may select students for a verification process. This process may require students (and any FAFSA contributor) to create an account with Inceptia and complete the process through Inceptia’s Verification Gateway portal.  Inceptia will collect additional information from the student to attest to the accuracy and completeness of FAFSA information that has been given by the student. Submit all of the requested items in a timely manner to avoid the delay or loss of financial aid funding. NICC also reserves the right to select a student for verification if there is conflicting information in the student’s file and the federal government has not already selected the file for verification.
  5. Once all of the forms are submitted and processed, and verification (if selected) is completed and processed, the student receives an email notification from NICC that an Aid Offer (sometimes referred to as an Offer or Award letter) is ready to view in the Self Service Financial Aid portal. The Aid Offer indicates the type and amounts of financial aid that the student may be eligible to receive. Amounts indicated on the Offer Letter are based on full-time status, of 12 or more credits, and are contingent on the students maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) as well as meeting all other eligibility criteria outlined in the offer.
  6. Grants and scholarships are automatically applied to a student’s account. After registering for classes, students should review (in their Self Service - Student Finance Account Summary) the ‘Anticipated Financial Aid’  in relation to the amount owed for tuition and fees. If a balance due remains, students should explore all of their options to pay for the remaining cost of college and pay by the tuition due date published by the NICC Finance Office. Options include the NICC Tuition Payment Plan and student loans.  If a negative balance for the semester exists, the credit balance amount may be used to charge textbooks and supplies through the NICC online bookstore.
  7. If the student wishes to borrow federal direct student loans, additional steps through the campus portal, Self Service Financial Aid, need to be completed. Students must complete the NICC Federal Direct Loan Request eForm in Student eForms and determine the amount in which they wish to borrow. First time borrowers are required to complete two additional federal requirements, Loan Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note at

Financial Aid Eligibility Notes

  • Federal student loans must be repaid. To qualify to access loan eligibility, students must be enrolled and attending at least half-time. Half-time is considered six credits of enrollment in the semester in which they seek to use loan funds.
  • Students who are enrolled less than half-time, may still be eligible for Pell Grant and other federal and/or student aid on a prorated basis.
  • Students who have received a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for the Pell Grant, but may be eligible for other federal student aid.
  • Students attending two schools in the same enrollment period must inform both Financial Aid Offices. Students cannot receive federal aid from two schools at the same time. A consortium agreement may need to be completed between the schools. Please visit or call Student Services and the Office of Financial Aid for more information about consortium agreements.

Types of Financial Aid

NICC administers a variety of student financial aid programs to help students pay for their college education. These programs include:

Federal Grants:

Federal Pell Grant: A Pell Grant is gift aid that is not repaid (unless a student does not complete the full semester in which they received a Pell Grant). The federal government determines student eligibility and the actual amount is determined by law according to federal methodology which applies to a standard formula to the financial information that is entered during FAFSA completion.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): An FSEOG grant is gift aid that is not repaid (unless a student does not complete the full semester in which they received a FSEOG award). It is awarded to students who qualify for the Pell Grant with a specific Student Aid Index (SAI). Grant funds are limited and thus are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to students with the highest need.

State of Iowa Grants and Scholarships:

Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship: Iowa residents enrolled in specified vocational-technical or career option programs at Iowa community colleges may be eligible for this grant program. Students must file for their FAFSA by the required deadline that is determined each year by Iowa College Aid, must meet state residency criteria as well as other eligibility criteria set by Iowa College Aid and the Iowa Legislature.

Scholarships for students amount to the remaining tuition and fees charged after other federal and state grant aid have been awarded. The scholarship is based on a student’s financial need, or Student Aid Index (SAI), as determined by the FAFSA. But unlike other grants, the SAI is set to a higher threshold that benefits more students and their families. It covers the difference between grant aid and tuition (the last dollar).

Iowa Vocational - Technical Tuition Grant: This state-funded program is for Iowa residents who qualify based on need and enrollment into specific vocational, technical and career option programs. Students must file their FAFSA by the deadline set by Iowa College Aid each year to qualify for this grant.

Kibbie Grant (Iowa Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant): Iowa residents enrolled in specified vocational-technical or career options may be eligible for this grant program. Students must file for their FAFSA by the deadline set by Iowa College Aid each year to qualify for this grant.

All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship: The All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Program is a statewide need-based grant program that assists high-need Iowa residents with the cost of post secondary education. Awards are prorated for students enrolling on a less than full-time basis.

Education and Training Voucher Program: The Education and Training Voucher Program is a federally funded program (administered through Iowa College Aid) to provide post secondary education and training opportunities to students who are currently or who have been in foster care.  Recipients must make satisfactory academic progress to receive awards.  Awards are prorated for students enrolling less than full-time.

Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship: The Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship (formerly National Guard Educational Assistance Grant Program - NGEAP) will assist in paying tuition for active members of the Iowa Army and Air National Guard. Eligibility for the tuition-assistance program is determined by the Adjutant General of Iowa and funding for the program is determined on an annual basis by the Iowa General Assembly.

To determine which NICC programs are eligible for Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship, Kibbie Grant and Iowa Vo-Tech Tuition Grant visit

For more information regarding Iowa College Aid grants and scholarships, visit

Federal and Private Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan: Low-interest educational loan offered by the federal government which pays the interest while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Repayment begins after a grace period of six months which begins at graduation or when the student drops below half-time. The loan amount is determined on the basis of financial need. Students must be enrolled at least halftime to receive this loan.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan: Low-interest educational loan offered by the federal government. The borrower is responsible for all interest that occurs during any enrollment, grace or deferment period. Repayment begins six months after graduation or when the student drops below half-time. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to receive this loan. Because unsubsidized loans accrue interest while the student is in school, it is encouraged but not required that the student make interest payments to their lender while in school.

Federal PLUS Loan: This program provides a parent with long-term loans from the federal government up to the student’s cost of attendance less any financial aid.

Private Loan: Loans are available from many private lenders. Students should exhaust all other sources of financial aid before taking out a private educational loan as typically private loans have higher interest rates.

Loan Disbursement:  Loans are applied to the student’s account and/or are disbursed to the student based on the enrollment status of the student at the time of disbursement. Students must be registered for a minimum of 6 credits (for the semester of the loan) and be reported as attending at least one course by their faculty.  See Financial Aid Disbursements for the timing of the actual disbursement each semester.

Work-Study Program

NICC offers student employment opportunities through the federal and institutional work-study program. It is an opportunity for students to work up to 20 hours per week, possibly in an area associated with their academic program. Work-Study offers flexible hours, hands-on experience and an opportunity to earn part-time income while in school. Work-Study employment is based upon the student’s determined need for financial assistance. Work-Study job openings and applications are accessible at Wages are directly deposited bi-weekly into a student’s bank account.

NICC Scholarships

Scholarships are offered and awarded each academic year. Students need to submit only one NICC Scholarship Application per school year. The priority deadline is April 15 for the next school year but applications are also reviewed in July and November. Apply online at

Other Sponsorships/Assistance

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services: This is an agency program that assists individuals with disabilities in achieving their employment goals. Vocational counseling, job training and placement assistance are some of the services available to eligible individuals. Financial assistance may be available for vocational or academic training. Consultation in accessing accommodations or assistive technology is available, as is referral to a Vocational Rehabilitation office.

Veterans and Active Military Assistance:  NICC is committed to serving those members of the community who have served or are serving in the military. NICC educational programs are approved by the Veterans Educational Unit of the Iowa Department of Education for the training of eligible persons under current GI Bill ® programs. The College provides a Veterans Certifying Official to assist veterans in the application process to ensure that their programs meet the guidelines of federal regulations.

Veterans, Military dependents and members of the National Guard and Selected Reserve may be eligible to receive educational benefits while enrolled in and pursuing an approved program of study.

To be eligible for veterans educational benefits, a student must:

  • Be eligible under a benefit program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA
  • Take only courses applicable to the stated current major

Certifying officials at the College are required to report any changes in a student’s enrollment status to Veterans Administration. 

Attendance may be verified throughout the term. VA benefits will be interrupted if a student quits attending a course. Please refer to Academic and Attendance Policies for Students Receiving Financial Aid for additional information. Students are responsible for any repayment of funds that they have already received if termination occurs because of non-attendance or withdrawal/drop from a course(s). Be aware that the Veterans Administration will not pay for students to retake a course that they have received a passing grade in, nor will they pay students for any advance credit they have received from prior education.

Pell Recalculation Date (Financial Aid Lock Date)

Pell Grants (and some state grants) are disbursed to students based on their enrollment level at the time of the lock date. The lock date, taken on the tenth day of the semester, is the day when it is determined how many credits a student is enrolled in for that semester.  Any changes to a student’s course schedule (adding or dropping of classes) will not impact the calculated Pell amount for that semester.

Financial Aid Disbursement

All financial aid is first applied to a student’s account to pay tuition, course, student and program fees for each semester that a student is registered. If the anticipated financial aid exceeds the total charges for the current semester (a credit balance) is available to purchase textbooks and supplies through the online bookstore as well as tools, supplies and apparel at the campus bookstore (Cougar Store).  Any remaining amount of financial aid is refunded to the student as a financial aid disbursement. Disbursement amounts and timing are determined by the award type and enrollment status at the time of disbursement and are contingent upon the student initiating attendance in each course and officially reported attendance by their instructor(s). Financial aid refunds are processed approximately 30 days after the start of the semester and then disbursed weekly thereafter. Class attendance, late start classes (classes beginning later in the semester), withdrawing from a class(es), are some examples of circumstances that may impact the amount and timing of a financial aid refund.

Each student’s aid eligibility and types of awards are unique and can vary greatly. Student’s should inquire with the Financial Aid Office in order to determine their unique disbursement amounts and the timing of each disbursement.

NICC partners with a third party company, BankMobile, to process all student account refunds, including financial aid credit balances. New students receive a refund selection notification a week after registration for classes with a code that is used to activate the student’s refund delivery preference. Refund delivery method options include either direct deposit to the student’s current bank account which is the recommended option from NICC, or as a direct deposit to the student’s BankMobile account, which is initiated by the student.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards Policy

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) is required by Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education, to monitor satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for students who are receiving federal Title IV financial aid. Iowa College Aid, a bureau of the Iowa Department of Education, also requires students to meet SAP for Iowa grants and scholarships administered by NICC. NICC also applies this eligibility criteria to institutional financial aid (NICC scholarships) and any other funding sources that NICC administers. Students who do not meet the standards lose financial aid eligibility. 

Satisfactory academic progress standards are the same for all NICC students. The following factors do not impact the application of SAP standards: chosen program of study, type of student (resident versus nonresident), and the number of credits a student is registered for per semester.  Note: the term “cumulative” means all credits attempted and completed and grades earned at NICC over a student’s lifetime.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average Policy (qualitative component): A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C average) or better.

  2. Cumulative Pace Policy (quantitative component): A student must successfully complete 67% or more of their cumulative attempted credit hours including remedial and transfer credits. A student’s pace is calculated by taking the cumulative number of credits the student has successfully completed divided by the cumulative number of attempted credits. 

  3. Completion of Program 150% Policy (maximum time frame component): A student must earn their degree within a maximum timeframe to continue receiving financial aid. The maximum time frame is 150% of the published length of the program’s credit hours.  A student is ineligible when it becomes mathematically impossible for them to complete their program within 150% of the length of the program.​​

  • Example:  the length of the Accounting Specialist Degree is 65 credits. 65 credits x 150% = 97.5 credits.  So a student can receive financial aid for up to 97.5 credits in pursuit of this program. 
  • Note: credits earned at another institution that have been accepted by NICC as transfer credit are included in this total even if financial aid was not awarded for these credits.

Impact of Transfer Credits, Incompletes (I), Withdrawals (W), Course Repetitions, and Pass/Fail Grades:

Transfer Credits 

All transfer credit hours that have been accepted by NICC toward a student’s academic program will be counted as both attempted and completed credits when evaluating a student’s quantitative component for satisfactory academic progress (SAP). All transfer students, who were not at NICC previously, are considered to have a satisfactory SAP status for their first semester and are eligible for Title IV aid.

Incomplete Grades 

Students who have an incomplete grade (a grade of “I”) must follow the NICC Incomplete Grading Policy. An incomplete grade does not impact a student’s SAP calculation; therefore, it does not count towards attempted or completed credits in the quantitative or qualitative component. Once an incomplete grade is finalized (Registrar Office notifies Financial Aid Office), it is factored into the student’s SAP calculations at the time of the next formal SAP evaluation. NICC does not retroactively change the student’s SAP status when the grade of “I” becomes a final grade since, at the time of the SAP evaluation, the grade of “I” was a valid grade.

Note: NICC Incomplete Contract Agreements are not to exceed midterm of the next semester as the latest and final date that a student can submit work for a course in which they received an I grade.

Example One: a student earns a SAP suspension status at the end of a semester during which an “I” grade was issued, and then at some point in the next semester, the I grade changes to a completed grade. Aid eligibility remains suspended even if the new grade that replaced the incomplete has resulted in reaching the 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA or 67% completion rate. Aid eligibility remains suspended because by policy NICC does not retroactively change a student’s SAP status. 

Example Two:  if a student is enrolled under an academic plan and receives an “I” grade, this may result in the student not meeting the terms of their plan, which would result in a SAP suspension. If and when the “I” grade changes to a completed letter grade in the next semester, aid eligibility for that semester remains suspended. Even if the new grade that replaced the incomplete has resulted in reaching the 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA or 67% completion rate. Aid eligibility remains suspended because by policy NICC does not retroactively change the student’s SAP status.


Students who officially withdraw (a grade of “W”) from a course(s) will have those credits counted as attempted but not completed credits towards their SAP calculation. This will impact the quantitative (pace) component but not the qualitative (GPA) component. Students with an unofficial withdrawal receive an “F” grade, which negatively impacts both the quantitative (pace) and qualitative (GPA) components, as these credits count both as attempted and not completed. 

Repeat Courses

Students who are repeating a course(s), and earn a satisfactory grade (not an F), will have all credits counted as both attempted and completed credits toward SAP.  

Pass/Fail Grading

Pass/fail grades do not affect a student’s GPA and are not factored into the qualitative component of the SAP calculation, but the courses do count toward the quantitative measure (pace of progression).

SAP Evaluation and Statuses

A student’s satisfactory academic progress will be evaluated at the end of each payment period (fall, spring, and summer semesters) once official grades are reported to the Registrar by their faculty.  Upon evaluation of a student’s satisfactory academic progress, a student will be notified of their SAP status through their official NICC email account. Students may also view their grade point average (GPA), completion rate, and current SAP status at any time in MyCampus > Self Service for Students > Financial Aid.

A student returning to NICC will also have a SAP status assigned once a FAFSA is received by NICC if the student has a past academic record at NICC.  This may include college credit classes that were earned while in high school (i.e. PSEO, concurrent enrollment, etc.).  A student will have a status assigned even if those grades were earned without utilizing financial aid in the past.


Students who are meeting all three SAP standards (GPA, pace, and max time frame) at the time of evaluation have a Satisfactory SAP status and remain eligible to receive financial aid for the next semester.


Students who are not meeting one or more of the SAP standards after evaluation, and were most recently on Satisfactory SAP status, will have a Warning SAP status. A student on Warning will remain eligible to receive financial aid for the upcoming semester, but must meet SAP standards when they are evaluated at the end of that semester in order to maintain eligibility for the next enrolled semester. Students who fail to meet the requirements at the end of that warning semester will receive a suspension status. 

GPA (qualitative component) Warning Example:

Students who are fall below a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (evaluated at the end of the fall semester) will be given a warning status the following semester and remain eligible to receive financial aid (for the spring semester). If during this warning semester (spring) the student raises his/her cumulative GPA to a minimum of a 2.0 by the completion of that semester (as well as meet the other two SAP standards), the warning status will be updated back to a satisfactory status for the next semester (summer or next fall) and the student would maintain aid eligibility. If a student does not raise his/her cumulative GPA to a minimum of 2.0 during a warning semester (or fail to meet one of the other SAP standards), he/she will be placed on suspension for subsequent semesters and be ineligible to receive financial aid. 

Completion (quantitative component) Warning Example:

Students who do not complete a minimum 67% of their cumulative credits (as well as meet the other two SAP standards) at the end of the semester will be given a warning status for the following semester. If at the end of the warning semester the student completes 67% of his/her cumulative attempted credits, the warning status will be updated to a satisfactory status for the next semester and the student would maintain aid eligibility. If the student does not complete a minimum 67% of his/her cumulative attempted credits during the warning semester, the student will be placed on suspension for subsequent semesters and be ineligible to receive financial aid. 

Maximum Time Frame Example: 

There is no warning status for maximum time frame. Once it is deemed mathematically impossible for a student to complete their program within 150% of its length, the student will be on SAP suspension.


Students who do not meet one or more of the satisfactory academic progress standards at the completion of the semester, after being on financial aid warning, earn a suspension status and are no longer eligible to receive financial aid for a future semester. A student may re-establish eligibility by meeting SAP Standards while paying on their own. T

Reinstating Financial Aid Eligibility

A student may re-establish eligibility by meeting SAP standards while paying on their own. The student also has the right to file a SAP Appeal request if the student believes specific circumstances prevented them from meeting SAP standards. The SAP Appeal request is an electronic request (via Student eForms) asking to reinstate financial aid eligibility. 

SAP Appeal Process

  1. The student is notified via NICC email that they are now in SAP suspension and can complete a SAP appeal. It is also viewable in MyCampus > Self Service for Students > Financial Aid. 
  2. The SAP Appeal Request form is an electronic form located in Student eForms, accessible through the MyCampus student portal. Additional guidance is available online at
  3. A student may appeal the suspension on the basis of personal injury or illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstances. The appeal must explain why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed that will allow the student to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation.  Students are recommended to provide documentation that supports the special circumstances. If documentation cannot be provided the student will need to explain why.
    1. Note: Please refer to the following Google document for examples of special challenging circumstances and suggested documentation - Challenging Circumstances

  4. Third and all subsequent appeals require documentation of any special circumstances.
  5. The SAP appeal is reviewed by a committee whose decision is final and cannot be appealed.  Students will be notified of the decision via their NICC email account within 14 days. SAP status is also viewable via MyCampus > Self Service for Students > Financial Aid.     

There are three potential outcomes for an appeal:

  • Appeal is approved for probation.
  • Appeal is approved for an academic plan.
  • Appeal is denied.

Note:  second and subsequent appeals require new circumstances. ie. working too many hours which interfered with time to complete coursework can not be used twice as a reason for not making SAP.

Note:  appeals submitted after day five of the semester start date are not allowed for that semester unless circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented them from submitting on time.  


Students who were first placed on SAP Suspension, appealed their Suspension status, and had their appeal approved, may be placed on Probation for one term if the Financial Aid Office determines the student should be able to mathematically meet SAP standards by the end of the next term. This student will not be required to complete an academic plan but will have their SAP reviewed at the end of the next term. Students who do not meet SAP standards at the end of this probation period will be moved back to Suspension status. 


A student who was placed on financial aid suspension, appealed their Suspension status, had their appeal approved will be required to complete an academic plan in Student Eforms if not put on probation. 

The purpose of an academic plan is for students to reflect on their past academic performance and formulate a plan to ensure future success in meeting the satisfactory academic progress standards. The academic plan asks students to reflect on their goals and motivations, areas of improvement and strengths, academic resources, and potential barriers. The plan is reviewed with an academic or financial aid advisor to complete the process.

The academic plan will have specific requirements that the student will have to successfully complete by the end of the semester in order to remain eligible to continue receiving financial aid. Minimum academic plan standards include a semester GPA of 2.0 and a completion status of 67%. Academic plans for some students may deem more stringent requirements in order to move towards satisfactory academic progress standards. 

The academic plan is evaluated and reviewed at the end of each semester. If requirements are met, the academic plan is renewed and will continue on into the next semester. While on the academic plan the student may meet SAP at a later evaluation and have their status returned to satisfactory, no longer requiring to be on an academic plan. If the requirements of the academic plan are not met, the student will be placed on suspension for the following semester and will not be eligible to receive financial aid. A new SAP appeal must be submitted to try to regain eligibility.

Note: Revisions to academic plans during a semester are managed by the Financial Aid Office on a case by case basis. 


If an appeal is not approved, the student will not be eligible to receive financial aid.  Students may re-establish eligibility by meeting the satisfactory academic progress standards on their own for a future evaluation without the benefit of federal aid.  A student may also submit a new appeal but only after demonstrating success. 

Academic success may include but is not limited to:

  • completing a minimum of at least three credits that are required for their program with a minimum 2.0 GPA and paying for said coursework on their own at NICC.  
  • successfully completing a course through NICC Business Community Solutions.
  • completing a minimum of at least three credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA at another institution. These completed credits do not have to be transferred back to NICC or connected to the student’s active program at NICC.
  • refraining from enrollment at NICC for at least three years and explaining how the student’s situation has changed in a way that will ensure academic success. This process will include completion of the SAP appeal request eform and may also include a personal interview with an academic or financial aid advisor. 

Note:  not enrolling for courses for one semester after a denied appeal does not demonstrate success and a new appeal will not be accepted.

Withdrawing from College

Federal regulations require NICC to monitor attendance in order to implement and maintain the U.S. Department of Education’s Return of Title IV Funds policy.

The policy allows the federal government to collect unearned financial aid for the period of non-attendance, including financial aid that has already been disbursed to a student. If a student completely withdraws from school during the semester, stops attending, or a student fails to officially withdraw, the student may be required to return the unearned Title IV aid which was intended to help pay educational expenses. The amount returned will be owed to Northeast Iowa Community College or the appropriate Title IV program(s).

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the formal withdrawal process. The date NICC uses to determine if a student fully withdrew will vary and is dependent on the type of withdrawal. If it is after the first week of classes, a withdrawal (W) grade will be assigned for each course into which the student has enrolled. If a student initiates the official withdrawal process or provides notification to the institution of their intent to withdraw, the date the institution determines that the student withdrew would be the earliest of either, date the student began the official withdrawal process or the date the student notified the institution of their intent to withdraw. A student may officially withdraw from classes by contacting their enrollment advisor and/or the Registrar’s Office with notification of the desire to withdraw from all classes. If a student did not begin the official withdrawal process or provide notification of his or her intent to withdraw, an unofficial withdrawal is established and the withdrawal date as either the midpoint of the semester or the last date of attendance at an academically related activity as recorded by the instructor.

If the student receives a failing grade of an F or a Q, NICC will use the reported last day of attendance which is required when entering a failing grade. This reported last day of attendance is used to determine if the failing grade was earned or if the student actually unofficially withdrew from the class. Students who fail all coursework in a given term and whose last date of attendance is reported to have been prior to the 60 percent completion date for the term will be subject to the Return of Title IV Funds Policy as described in this catalog.

A student may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title IV funds if the student has met certain requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Education.

A student may be considered for a post withdrawal disbursement of Direct Loans if certain conditions are met. These conditions include that the Department of Education has processed for the student a SAR/ISIR with an official EFC and that the official SAR/ISIR with EFC was processed before the student became ineligible by no longer being enrolled at least half time. Northeast Iowa Community College is required to make or offer as appropriate post-withdrawal disbursements. A post-withdrawal disbursement must be made within 180 days of the date the institution determines that the student withdrew. The amount of the post withdrawal disbursement is determined by following the requirements for calculating earned Title IV and has no relationship to incurred educational costs. The loan must also be originated prior to the date the student became ineligible.

If a student earns a passing grade in one or more of their classes for the semester in consideration, an institution is permitted to make the presumption that the student completed the course requirements and may consider the student to have completed the period.

If a student fails to earn a passing grade in at least one class in which the student is enrolled, the withdrawal date is either the midpoint of the semester or the last date of attendance at an academically-related activity. Please refer to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards to determine how future financial aid is affected.

Return of Title IV Funds

Refunds of tuition and fees will be calculated based on the College’s refund policy. The student’s account balance may be affected by the financial aid adjustment that occurs after the Return to Title IV calculation. “Title IV funds refers to federal financial aid. The Return of Title IV Funds’ formula dictates the amount of Federal Financial Aid that the student must return to the government. This formula applies to all federal financial aid with the exception of Federal Work Study. If federal funds are released to a student or their account, the student may be required to repay some of the federal grants and loans if the student withdraws before the 60 percent completion point of the semester. Generally the law (section 485 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998-P.L./105-244) states that the amount of assistance the student has received is determined on a prorated basis in relationship to the specific term, and determined by the amount of the term completed.

Students who receive Title IV financial aid (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and Federal Direct loans) are subject to federal return of Title IV funds statutes. These regulations apply to recipients of Title IV financial aid who completely withdraw from college or who stop attending all classes during the enrollment period. The College must determine the amount of Title IV financial aid the student earned and return the unearned aid to the respective federal financial aid program(s).

Unearned aid will be returned to the federal programs in the following order:

  1. Loans (Federal Unsubsidized Loans, Federal Subsidized Loans and Federal PLUS Loans),
  2. Grants (Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)
  3. Other Title IV funds.

The College must return the funds as soon as possible but must do so no later than 45 days after the College determines the withdrawal date or last date of attendance. A prorated schedule based on a 60 percent point in the period of enrollment, is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60 percent point in the period of enrollment, a student has earned 100 percent of the Title IV funds he or she was scheduled to receive.

For a student who withdraws after the 60 percent point in time, there are no unearned funds.

Federal Student Aid Handbook, Volume 5 Chapter 1 Withdrawals and Return of Title IV Funds 34 CFR 668.22 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), 34 CFR 668.164, 34 CFR 668.167, 34 CFR 668.21

If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from school after beginning attendance, the amount of Title IV grant or Loan assistance earned by the student must be determined. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, the unearned funds must be returned. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student is otherwise eligible, he or she is eligible to receive a post withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.

Any Title IV credit balances created by the R2T4 calculation will be allocated first to repay any grant over payment owed by the student. Northeast Iowa Community College must return such funds to the Title IV grant account within 14 days of the date of the calculation. Northeast Iowa Community College will use any remaining Title IV credit balance funds to pay authorized charges at the college, including any previous paid charges that become unpaid due to the return. Northeast Iowa Community College may also use the credit balance to reduce the student’s Title IV loan debt with the student’s authorization, or it may release the balance to the student or parent when it is for a Direct Plus loan. If Northeast Iowa Community College is unable to locate the student or parent it must return the balance to the appropriate Title IV programs.

Calculating the Percentage of the Title IV Funds Earned The calculation of Title IV funds is determined by dividing the number of days of attendance by the number of days in the semester. The number of days of attendance is based on the determination of the official or unofficial withdrawal date. For more information see Withdrawing From College. The number of days in the semester is determined by the date the student’s classes start through the end of the student’s scheduled enrollment. Any scheduled College break of five or more consecutive days will not be counted in the total number of days in the semester.

The student will receive a written notice within 30 days, letting the student know the impact of the Return of Title IV funds calculation. If the student has to repay any funds, the student has 45 days to either repay the funds or make satisfactory payment arrangements with the business office.

Example of Return of Title IV Funds Calculations

Determine percentage of Title IV aid earned:

  • Completed Days divided by Total Days in Payment Period equals percentage of earned aid

Determine the Title IV aid that was disbursed and aid that could have been disbursed

Determine amount of Title IV Aid Earned by Student: Multiply percentage of earned aid by total aid disbursed; including any aid that could have been disbursed for the payment period

If the amount of aid earned by a student is less than the amount of aid disbursed, there may be Title IV aid to be returned. Determine how much Title IV aid is to be returned:

Total Title IV aid disbursed minus the amount of Title IV aid earned equals the amount of Title IV aid to be returned.

Determine amount of unearned Title IV aid due from school.

Add up all institutional charges for the payment period which includes tuition and fees.

Subtract percent of earned aid from 100% to get the percentage of unearned aid.

Multiply percentage of unearned aid by total institutional charges for payment period to come up with amount of unearned charges for payment period.

Compare the amount of Title IV aid to be returned (#4) to the amount of unearned charges minus the lesser amount is the amount the school must return to the appropriate program(s).

Determine amount of unearned Title IV aid due from the student.

Subtract amount the school must return from the amount of Title IV aid to be returned.

  • If less than$0 or equal to $0, no amount of unearned Title IV aid is due from the student.
  • If greater than $0, there may be a repayment of the student’s Title IV funds.

Important: Northeast Iowa Community College reserves the right to change the Refund Schedule at any time.

State Aid Refund Policy

Students receiving aid from any of the Iowa College Aid programs are subject to the State Aid Refund Policy for withdrawals. These programs include Iowa Last Dollar Scholarship, Kibbie Grant, Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant, Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship, All Iowa Opportunity Grant, Education Training Voucher, and Karen Misjak Gear Up Iowa Scholarship. The NICC Tuition and Fees Refund/Adjustment Policy is followed. State aid is not applied to student accounts until after the tuition refund period is over, so students will not receive a state award for classes dropped within the allotted time. Students who may have had state aid applied to their account for a late start (modular) class will have that aid refunded back to Iowa College Aid.

Veteran Administration (VA) Academic Progress Standards

NICC is required by the Veterans Administration (VA) to monitor academic progress for students who are receiving VA education benefits. If the academic progress standards are not met, students receiving education benefits will be declared ineligible to receive them. Note: other funding sources that the student may be receiving in conjunction with their VA benefits from federal, state and/or institutional sources, are subject to similar requirements outlined in NICC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards policy.

Minimum Standards:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) - maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C average) or better.
  2. Completion Rate - successfully complete 67 percent or more of cumulative attempted credit hours including remedial and transfer credits. Completion rate is calculated by taking the cumulative number of credits the student has successfully completed divided by the cumulative number of attempted credits. 

Transfer Credits 

All transfer credit hours that have been accepted by NICC toward a student’s academic program will be counted as both attempted and completed credits when evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress  (SAP). All transfer students, who were not at NICC previously, are considered to have a satisfactory SAP status for their first semester and are eligible for Title IV aid.

Incomplete Grades 

Students who have an incomplete grade (a grade of “I”) must follow the NICC Incomplete Grading Policy. An incomplete grade does not impact a student’s SAP calculation; therefore, it does not count towards attempted or completed credits in the quantitative or qualitative component. Once an incomplete grade is finalized (Registrar Office notifies Financial Aid Office), it is factored into the student’s SAP calculations at the time of the next formal SAP evaluation. NICC does not retroactively change the student’s SAP status when the grade of “I” becomes a final grade since, at the time of the SAP evaluation, the grade of “I” was a valid grade.

Note: NICC Incomplete Contract Agreements are not to exceed midterm of the next semester as the latest and final date that a student can submit work for a course in which they received an I grade.

Example One: a student earns a SAP suspension status at the end of a semester during which an “I” grade was issued, and then at some point in the next semester, the I grade changes to a completed grade. Aid eligibility remains suspended even if the new grade that replaced the incomplete has resulted in reaching the 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA or 67% completion rate. Aid eligibility remains suspended because by policy NICC does not retroactively change a student’s SAP status. 

Example Two:  if a student is enrolled under an academic plan and receives an I grade, this may result in the student not meeting the terms of their plan, which would result in a SAP suspension. If and when the I grade changes to a completed letter grade in the next semester, aid eligibility for that semester remains suspended. Even if the new grade that replaced the incomplete has resulted in reaching the 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA or 67% completion rate. Aid eligibility remains suspended because by policy NICC does not retroactively change the student’s SAP status.


Students who officially withdraw (a grade of “W”) from a course(s) will have those credits counted as attempted but not completed credits towards their SAP calculation. This will impact the quantitative (pace) component but not the qualitative (GPA) component. Students with an unofficial withdrawal receive an “F” grade, which negatively impacts both the quantitative (pace) and qualitative (GPA) components, as these credits count both as attempted and not completed. 

Repeat Courses

Students who are repeating a course(s), and earn a satisfactory grade (not an F), will have all credits counted as both attempted and completed credits toward SAP.  

Pass/Fail Grading

Pass/fail grades do not affect a student’s GPA and are not factored into the qualitative component of the SAP calculation, but the courses do count toward the quantitative measure (pace of progression).

Satisfactory Status: Student is meeting all satisfactory academic progress standards and is eligible to receive VA educational benefits.

VA Academic Probation: This is a warning to a student who is not meeting one or more of the academic progress standards. The student remains eligible to receive VA education benefits for the upcoming semester, but must meet or exceed academic progress standards when it is evaluated at the end of that semester in order to maintain eligibility for the next semester. Students who fail to meet the requirements at the end of that semester will result in a VA Academic Suspension status.

VA Academic Suspension: Students who do not meet one or more of the academic progress standards at the completion of the semester after being on VA Academic Probation, will be on VA Academic Suspension, and are no longer eligible to receive VA education benefits.

Students have the right to appeal a VA Academic Suspension.

  1. The Appeal Request form is an electronic form located in Student eForms, accessible through the MyCampus student portal. Additional guidance is available online at
  2. A student may appeal the suspension on the basis of injury or illness of the student, the death of a relative, or other extenuating circumstances.  The appeal must explain first why the student failed to meet academic progress standards and secondly what has changed in the situation that would allow the student to make academic progress at the next evaluation.  Students are recommended to provide documentation that supports the extenuating circumstances.  If documentation cannot be provided, the student will need to explain why.
  3. The appeal is reviewed by a committee, and their decision is final and cannot be appealed.  Students will be notified of the appeal decision via their NICC email account and it is available to view on Self Service-Financial Aid. The two potential outcomes include approval for Academic Plan or a denied appeal.

Note: Appeals submitted after day five of the semester start date, are not allowed for that semester unless circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented them from submitting on time. Second and subsequent appeals require new circumstances.

Academic Plan: A student was placed on Financial Aid Suspension, appealed their suspension status, had their appeal approved and had VA educational benefits reinstated.

Students are required to meet with their Enrollment Advisor to develop an Academic

Plan to ensure future success in meeting the academic progress standards. The Academic Plan has specific requirements that the student will have to successfully complete by the end of the semester in order to remain eligible to continue receiving VA education benefits. Minimum Academic Plan standards include a semester GPA of 2.0 and a semester completion status of 67%. Academic Plans for some students may deem more stringent requirements in order to move towards satisfactory academic progress standards. The Academic Plan is evaluated and reviewed at the end of each semester, and if semester requirements are met, the Academic Plan is renewed and will continue on into the next semester. If cumulative standards are met, the student returns back to satisfactory.  If the requirements of the Academic Plan are not met, the student will be placed on VA Academic Suspension for the following semester and will not be eligible to receive benefits. A new appeal must be submitted to try to regain eligibility.

Denied Appeal Re-establishing Education Benefits Eligibility

If an appeal is not approved, the student will not be eligible to receive VA educational Benefits.  Students may re-establish eligibility by meeting the satisfactory academic progress standards on their own for a future evaluation without the benefit of federal aid.  A student may also submit a new appeal but only after demonstrating success. 

Academic success may include but is not limited to:

  • completing a minimum of at least three credits that are required for their program with a minimum 2.0 GPA and paying for said coursework on their own at NICC.  
  • successfully completing a course through NICC Business Community Solutions.
  • completing a minimum of at least three credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA at another institution. These completed credits do not have to be transferred back to NICC or connected to the student’s active program at NICC.
  • refraining from enrollment at NICC for at least three years and explaining how the student’s situation has changed in a way that will ensure academic success. This process will include completion of the SAP appeal request eform and may also include a personal interview with an academic or financial aid advisor. 

Note:  not enrolling for courses for one semester after a denied appeal does not demonstrate success and a new appeal will not be accepted. 

Code of Conduct for Educational Loans

Iowa Code Section 261E.2 and Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 601.21, require the development, administration and enforcement of a code of conduct governing educational loan activities. Our officers, employees, trustees and agents, including the alumni association, booster club and other organizations associated with Northeast Iowa Community College, agree to the provisions of this Code of Conduct and will refrain from:

  1. Refusing to certify or delaying the certification of an education loan based on a borrower’s choice of lender.
  2. Assigning a first-time borrower to a particular private education loan lender through the student’s financial aid award or another means.
  3. Packaging a private education loan in a student’s financial aid award, except when the student is ineligible for other financial aid, has exhausted his or her federal student aid eligibility, has not filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or refuses to apply for a federal student loan.
  4. Accepting impermissible gifts, goods or services from a lender, lender servicer or guarantor. The institution may accept default prevention, financial literacy or student aid-related educational services or materials or other items of a nominal value.
  5. Accepting philanthropic contributions from a lender, lender servicer or guarantor that are related to the educational loans provided by the entity that is making the contribution.
  6. Serving on or otherwise participating as a member of an advisory council for a lender, lender affiliate or lender servicer.
  7. Accepting from a lender or its affiliate any fee, payment or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide education loan-related services to or on behalf of the lender.
  8. Accepting fees or other benefits in exchange for endorsing a lender or the lender’s loan products.
  9. Requesting or accepting an offer of funds for private education loans from a lender, in exchange for our promise to provide the lender with placement on a preferred lender list or a certain number or volume of private education loans.

Northeast Iowa Community College is committed to providing the information and resources necessary to help every student achieve educational success. To accomplish this goal, the financial aid staff will consider each student’s individual needs. A comprehensive Code of Conduct detailing permissible and impermissible activities for all Northeast Iowa Community College officers, employees and agents affiliated with the College is available.

Validity of High School Diploma Policy and Procedure

A high school diploma is a basic element of student eligibility for Title IV financial aid funding. Students claim eligibility by virtue of a high school diploma when they complete the FAFSA. If either the Department of Education or NICC believe the high school diploma is not valid, the following process will occur in an effort to review and validate said diploma. If the validity of a student’s high school diploma is in question, the Financial Aid Office will:

  1. Send the student a missing information notification that requests a copy of the student’s official diploma AND an official copy of the student’s final transcripts that shows all the courses the student completed. The name, address and phone number of the high school attended must be clearly identified on each document.
  2. If the Financial Aid Office requires additional confirmation that the student did in fact receive said diploma from the high school indicated, a letter and/or phone call may be made to the high school to verify and confirm the diploma’s validity.
  3. The Financial Aid Office may require submission of an official copy of both the diploma and/or transcript directly from the school and may require said copies be sent under the authority of a certified notary. If the Financial Aid Office determines the submitted diploma and transcript to be valid, the student’s financial aid application will be processed and if he/she meets all other eligibility criteria, will be deemed eligible for Title IV financial aid funding while attending NICC. If the Financial Aid Office determines the submitted diploma and transcript to be invalid, or is unable to determine its validity, the student will not be eligible for Title IV aid.

Note: This policy and procedure does not apply to home-schooled students by virtue of the federal regulations.

Repeated Coursework Policy

Per federal regulations, students may repeat a previously passed course only once and receive Title IV financial aid for it. Example: Fall Term - Student takes a public speaking course and receives a C- and wants to retake it to improve her grade. Spring Term - Student retakes the public speaking course and is able to have those credits count toward her enrollment status for financial aid. Student receives an F the second time. The student cannot receive Title IV financial aid for a future retake of this course.

Students may repeat a failed course as many times as they need to pass the course and receive Title IV financial aid for it. Example: Fall Term - Student takes public speaking course, receives an F and wants to retake it to improve his grade. Spring Term - Student retakes public speaking course and is able to have those credits count toward his enrollment status for financial aid. Student receives an F again and needs to retake it and pass in order to graduate. Summer Term - student retakes public speaking course again and is able to have those credits count toward his/her enrollment status for financial aid.

If a student passes a course, retakes it and withdraws, they can retake it again until passed or failed.

Northeast Iowa Community College takes pride in the quality and variety of resources and services available to help students reach their academic and personal goals. Faculty and staff work closely to determine the needs of each individual to optimize student success. Most student resources are provided at no cost and are readily accessible to all.

Grievances, Complaints and Concerns

The College encourages all individuals to attempt to resolve concerns informally with an instructor, advisor or assigned administrator as soon as possible following an event that leads to the concern. When a resolution cannot be reached or is not practical, the steps of the formal complaint process should be followed. Individuals should use the electronic form located at to file a formal complaint. The Operations office will route the complaint to the appropriate college representative for review and appropriate action.

If necessary, a meeting will be arranged with both parties to seek a satisfactory resolution to the complaint.

In the event that a complaint cannot be satisfied through one of these avenues, the Iowa Department of Education accepts higher education student complaints and offers two types of student complaint forms.

Students may also submit a complaint to Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Department of Education at or calling 800.433.3243.

For Your Information

If you have questions, please call the Financial Aid Office or email us at

Additional financial aid information and resources are available in the student portal MyCampus>Self Service Financial Aid and at

It is the policy of Northeast Iowa Community College not to discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential family, parental or marital status.