Campus Environment
Faculty-to-Student Ratio
The faculty of Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) is committed to high quality instruction and personal attention to students. The average student-faculty ratio is 15:1. The faculty comprises individuals who are well prepared through formal educational preparation and previous occupational experience. Faculty members keep abreast of educational and technological changes through conferences, seminars and coursework as well as on-site visits to other institutions of higher education.
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Products
The possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs, or misuse of prescription drugs and alcohol, by students or employees on the property of Northeast Iowa Community College, or as part of any of its activities, will subject the student or employee to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution. Disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. The College complies with all of the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1989, P.L. 101-226 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). Clear sanctions can be found in the student code of conduct.
The use of any tobacco, vape, or nicotine product is strictly prohibited to all enclosed areas of the college, the entire property and grounds, and vehicles owned or leased by the college. Prohibited tobacco, vape, and nicotine products include but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, or tobacco-like products, vapes, e-cigarettes, and all nicotine products not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for tobacco cessation. All persons (students, employees, visitors, vendors, contract workers, volunteers, etc.) are expected to follow this policy. This policy applies at all times including college sponsored events. Persons failing to abide by this policy are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the prohibited product or leave premises immediately. Any student or employee of the college who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
This policy complies with the Iowa Smokefree Air Act in Iowa Code.
NICC Counseling Services provides students with information and activities throughout the academic year related to education and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse including wellness events, information tables, guest speakers and handouts.
Counseling services are available to all currently enrolled students for support with alcohol or substance related concerns. Students may also be referred for assistance in the community Students and employees may contact campus mental health counselors for information on available community resources Information related to health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol can be found at and
Communicable Disease Responsibility
NICC believes students or employees with communicable diseases should be allowed to attend to their regularly assigned duties as long as they are physically able to perform the tasks assigned to them and as long as their attendance does not create a substantial risk of transmission of the illness to students or employees in the College. The College will make every effort, in light of the individual’s circumstances, to provide the least restrictive environment for continued attendance.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex-including pregnancy and parental status-in educational programs and activities.
Northeast Iowa Community College expects that all members of the College community should be able to pursue their education and work in a safe environment, free from sexual coercion, violence or intimidation. The College is committed to fostering a safe campus environment where sexual misconduct and violence are unacceptable, and where survivors or those who believe they were harmed by another person are provided support and avenues of remedy as appropriate. All members of the College community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the rights of others. The Title IX efforts of NICC are focused on education and training to encourage a climate of sexual respect.
Report an incident online or contact the Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinator to report a Title IX concern, request supportive measures, or to file a formal complaint. The College Counselors have been designated as confidential resources. All other employees are considered Title IX mandatory reporters and must report behaviors that may be a violation of Title IX.
The College prohibits any form of retaliation against a complainant. Any allegations of retaliation will result in an immediate investigation and appropriate action consistent with the College’s due process procedures.
To learn more about Title IX at NICC or to report a concern visit
Education and Awareness
NICC provides quality educational programs for its students and staff on social and contemporary issues. Guest lectures, video presentations and seminars are held to provide information to our College community about such areas as peer pressure resistance, health concerns, rehabilitation and awareness. When applicable, instructors provide educational information concerning social and contemporary issues within the academic environment.
Sex Offender Notification Policy
The College complies with the federal Campus Crimes Prevention Act (Section 1601 of Public Law 106-386) and Chapter 692A, Code of Iowa (Sex Offender Registry). In compliance with these laws the College advises the campus community on how information regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained. This information is available on the Iowa Sex Offender Registry and on the National Sex Offender Public Website.
Chapter 692A, Code of Iowa requires registered sex offenders who attend or work for an institution of higher education to register with the sheriff in the county in which they live and the county in which the institution of higher education is located.
In some instances, an individual may be required to obtain written permission from the College to enroll in courses or to continue in a particular program. Registered sex offenders who wish to or are required to register with the college should complete the NICC Sex Offender Registrant Request Form. Enrollment, attendance and employment decisions are based on the specific details of each registrant request.
Campus Emergencies
In the event of a campus emergency, an alarm will sound or an appropriate announcement will be made. An emergency response guide, building evacuation routes and severe weather shelter areas are posted in each room. Safety drills are held on a regular basis.
Medical Emergencies
A medical emergency may involve a person with any of the following symptoms: weakness, dizziness, paleness, chest pains, breathing difficulty, nausea, high pulse rate, heart palpitations, fainting and/or serious bleeding. In a medical emergency, the following steps should be taken:
- Call emergency services at 911 and direct another student or staff member for assistance. Provide details on location (building, room) and nature of the problem.
- Direct another person to retrieve a first-aid kit, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), or Narcan, if needed.
- Provide first aid as appropriate and necessary. If the person is not breathing and no pulse is noted, administer CPR if trained and/or use AED. Do not move the person if the problem is a physical injury unless it is better to move the person to a safer area.
- Assist with contacting a family member, if requested.
- If medical service responders determine the person needs further attention, he/ she will be transported to the hospital.
- Reports of medical injuries are recorded by staff or student who addressed the event. Reports are available in MyCampus under the task “Report It”
Simple Injuries
This type of injury can be described as one that occurs from an accident while the individual is on campus. First-aid kits are available in designated areas throughout the campus. All injuries must be reported on an emergency-medical incident form. All injuries are reported. Electronic report forms are available in MyCampus under the task: Report It! Accident, Illness, Injury, Property/Damage.
Campus Closing
If inclement weather or other events would occur causing a delay or closure, the College will provide email and text notification using the RAVE alert system. Postings will be available from local media sources, social media and the college website.
The Clery Act
The Clery Act
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is a federal law requiring all institutions of higher education to report campus crime data, support victims of violence, and publicly outline the policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety. You can learn more about the Clery Act by visiting the U.S. Department of Education website or the Clery Center website.
View the College’s Campus Security Report.
Safety and Security
The Northeast Iowa Community College Safety and Security Plan is intended to provide general rules in emergency preparedness, safety and health, and to establish basic procedures to implement the Plan.
The Safety and Security Plan serves as a guide to organize and direct related programs in each division and department of the college. The guidelines include all facilities occupied or operated by an officially recognized group of students, college staff, faculty, or authorized users. This plan is published and updated by the college’s Safety and Security Committee. The committee meets once per month, or as needed, to review and revise safety and health guidance, policies and procedures.
View the full Safety and Security Plan.
Reporting an Incident or Crime
If an incident threatens the health and/or safety of an individual or the college community or emergency medical care is necessary, call 911 immediately. Contact the Operations Office or any College Administrator for support in responding to an emergency. Once the emergency is under control, report the event by completing the appropriate report form.
If you are involved in an accident, have a work-related injury or illness or suffer from property damage/loss, or theft, etc., you are required to fill out the Report It! Form within 24 hours of the incident by the student, employee or supervisor.
NICC community members and stakeholders may use the Incident of Concern Form to report concerning, disturbing or suspicious behavior and/or possible Conduct Code violations. All reports are investigated to determine an appropriate course of action. An Incident of Concern form may be completed anonymously. However, without the identity and contact information of the person submitting the report, the College’s efforts to fully investigate the concern and resolve the incident will be limited.
Cyber Security Suspicious Activity
Contact the NICC Helpdesk at 844.642.2335, ext. 555 or to report technology related suspicious activity or a cyber security event.
Campus Visitor Conduct
NICC is strongly committed to the safety of the College community. Safety helps to ensure a productive learning environment for students, faculty and staff. Campus visitors are expected to adhere to the same conduct expectations of the College community including civil, respectful and safe behaviors. NICC reserves the right to contact law enforcement officers to immediately remove anyone from College property who is deemed a threat to campus safety and security or who is disruptive to the learning and teaching environment. Such individuals will not be permitted to re-enter College property and will be notified in writing about the duration of their exclusion from College property. This action may be reinforced with a no trespass action or no contact directive as necessary.
Visitors with Minor Children
Visitors to campus who are accompanied by minor children are expected to provide direct supervision for the minor(s) at all times. In order to ensure the safety and security of children and to safeguard the educational and work environment of the college, no employee, student, or visitor may leave a child unattended. This includes campus buildings, campus grounds, or in vehicles in the college parking lots. Nor shall a child be left with a college employee, unless that employee is supervising the child in an authorized capacity for a program or activity in which the child is enrolled. Children are not permitted to be visitors in college classes, even if accompanied by an adult.
Service Animals on College Property
Service animals are generally permitted to accompany people with disabilities on all College properties where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are allowed, in buildings/facilities. A service animal’s access to certain areas on College property may need to be limited should the service animal’s presence create an undue hardship to the College. Service animals must be housebroken (i.e., trained so that controls its waste elimination, absent illness or accident) and must be kept under control by a harness, leash, or other tether unless the person is unable to hold those, or such use would interfere with the service animal’s performance of work or tasks. In such instances, the service animal must be kept under control by voice, signals, or other effective means. Individuals must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including vaccination, licensure, animal health and leash laws.
Students needing a service animal are encouraged to work with the Office of Accessibility Services prior to bringing the service animal to campus to ensure reasonable accommodations are appropriately provided to the student. The service animal handler can best provide recommendations for faculty, staff, and students on procedures to interact with service animals. The Office of Accessibility Services can assist with this communication, if requested.
Faculty and staff (or applicants for employment positions) needing a service animal are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Office prior to bringing the service animal to campus to ensure the accommodation request process is followed and reasonable accommodations are appropriately provided to the employee or applicant.
Pets and emotional support animals are generally not permitted on any College property. Educational activities and events involving animals must be pre-approved by the College in adherence with the Guidelines for Events Involving Animals
To learn more visit
Consumer Information
Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the following information will be made available to currently enrolled and prospective students online at, and upon request.
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rights.
- Contact information for assistance in obtaining institutional or financial aid information.
- Information on all need-based and non-need based federal, state, local, private and institutional financial assistance programs, terms and conditions of Title IV loans, criteria for selecting recipients for determining award amounts, eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid, methods and frequency of disbursements of aid, rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and terms of any loan received including a sample loan repayment schedule and the necessity of repaying the loan. Conditions applicable to employment provided as part of the financial aid package, and the exit counseling information the school provides and collects.
- Information about facilities and services available to students with disabilities.
- Information about the cost of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, transportation costs and other additional cost for a program.
- Information on the school’s refund policy, procedures for official withdrawal and requirements for Return of Title IV aid.
- Information about the academic programs including current programs, facilities that relate to the academic program, faculty and other instructional personnel and any plans for improving the academic program.
- Statement of the transfer of credit policies
- Policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement.
- Information regarding programs that are in part or in fully offered by another entity.
- Names of accrediting agencies and the procedures for obtaining and reviewing the documents that describe the accreditation approval or licensing.
- Written notice with information on the penalties associated with drug-related offenses.
- Immunization policies.
- Information posted on the College Navigator website.
- Student body diversity.
- Net Price Calculator.
- ISBN and retail price information for required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed on the course schedule.
- Disbursement of books and supplies for Pell-eligible students.
- Drug and alcohol policies, procedures and support services.
- Completion or graduation rates of certificate or degree-seeking first-time, full-time, undergraduate students.
- Information regarding the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the school’s degree or certificate programs.
- Retention rate of certificate or degree seeking, first-time, undergraduate students.
- Jeanne Clery Act, Annual Security Report.
- Gainful Employment information required of all Gainful Employment academic programs.
- Information about state grant and loan information, loan disclosures, student rights and responsibilities and information on entrance and exit counseling for student loan borrowers.
- Code of Conduct for Educational Loans.