Sep 17, 2024  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Classification and Description System

Prefixes: The three-letter prefix identifies the area of study in which the course may be found.

Suffixes: The last three numbers identify a specific course within a subject area.

Note: Some of the courses will be preceded by one or more asterisks (*). See explanations below:

( ) Courses not preceded by an asterisk are intended to meet specific Diploma and Associate of Applied Science Degree requirements as outlined in this catalog. Sixteen semester hours from this area can be applied to Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree electives. Transferability varies and is dependent on the receiving institution. If you intend to transfer to a four-year institution, you should clear the transferability of such courses through the receiving institution.

( * ) Courses that correspond to college or university lower division coursework. Northeast Iowa Community College recommends that colleges and universities grant subject or elective credit toward junior standing for these courses. Many of these courses may be applied toward meeting distribution and elective requirements for the Associate of Arts degree.

( ** ) Foundation-building (developmental) courses intended primarily to provide you an opportunity for the improvement of subject matter proficiencies in preparation for non-developmental and transfer. These courses are not considered transferable.

Please Note: NICC separates science courses into Natural and Physical Sciences as listed below, but other colleges and universities may use different breakdowns. Students transferring credits to another institution should check with that institution for information on their requirements and how these specific courses fit into those requirements.

Natural/Life Sciences: BIO 112 , BIO 113 , BIO 125 , BIO 149 , BIO 153 , BIO 157 , BIO 158 , BIO 160 , BIO 168 , BIO 173 , BIO 183 , BIO 184 , BIO 200 , BIO 204 , BIO 248 , ENV 115 , ENV 116 , ENV 140 

Physical Sciences: CHM 110 , CHM 111 , CHM 160 , CHM 161 , CHM 170 , CHM 171 , CHM 261 , CHM 271 , PHS 142 , PHS 143 , PHS 166 , PHS 170 , PHS 171 , PHY 106 , PHY 162 , PHY 172 , PHY 710