Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 College Catalog 
2023-2024 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Information

Campus Environment

Faculty-to-Student Ratio

The faculty of Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) is committed to high quality instruction and personal attention to students. The average student-faculty ratio is 14:1. The faculty comprises individuals who are well prepared through formal educational preparation and previous occupational experience. Faculty members keep abreast of educational and technological changes through conferences, seminars and coursework as well as on-site visits to other institutions of higher education.

Illegal Drugs and Misuse of Alcohol

It is the goal of the College to provide a safe and healthy environment for students and employees. This includes complying with all state and federal laws, including Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.The college prohibits the consumption or possession of alcohol at college-sponsored events and/or on College property unless expressly permitted by the President of the College. NICC prohibits the possession, use, and distribution of alcoholic beverages by minors and illegal drugs by any person on the campus, at college-sponsored events, and in college-managed property. No illegal drugs, non prescribed drugs, other controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, tobacco, and tobacco products are allowed on or in the premises owned by Northeast Iowa Community.

The College will take steps to educate its community regarding the health risks associated with alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse. Appropriate referral to counseling and health agencies will be made for individuals as needed.

The College will also impose sanctions on students and employees who violate this policy. Disciplinary action may include written reprimand, suspension or dismissal, and referral for prosecution under local, state, and federal law. Rehabilitation may become a condition of continuing association with the College.

Tobacco-Free Environment

It is the intent of Northeast Iowa Community College to provide a healthy environment for employees, students and visitors and to be in compliance with the Iowa Smoke Free Air Act (effective date July 1, 2008). In keeping with this intention, the use of any/ all nicotine products is prohibited at all properties, including buildings, vehicles and grounds, owned by or leased by Northeast Iowa Community College. This prohibition is in effect both indoors and out-of-doors, including inside any vehicle located on property leased, occupied or owned by Northeast Iowa Community College. In addition to traditional tobacco products, e-cigarettes and vaping are also prohibited. This policy applied to all employees, students and visitors.

Communicable Disease Responsibility

NICC believes students or employees with communicable diseases should be allowed to attend to their regularly assigned duties as long as they are physically able to perform the tasks assigned to them and as long as their attendance does not create a substantial risk of transmission of the illness to students or employees in the College. The College will make every effort, in light of the individual’s circumstances, to provide the least restrictive environment for continued attendance.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Northeast Iowa Community College is dedicated to providing a learning, living, and working environment that is free from sexual assault, sexual harassment and sex discrimination. We are committed to ensuring a safe campus climate for all of our students and the entire College community. We promote fundamental rights, advance individual and institutional integrity, and uphold the vital aims of Title IX.

Title IX - Pregnant and Parenting Students

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex-including pregnancy and parental status-in educational programs and activities.

Students are encouraged to work with their faculty members and Northeast Iowa Community College’s support systems to devise a plan for how to best to address the conditions as pregnancy progresses, anticipate the need for leaves, minimize the academic impact of their absence and get back on track as efficiently and comfortably as possible. The Title IX Coordinator will assist with plan development and implementation as needed.  Students are encouraged to use the Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodation Request form on the Title IX web page to contact the Title IX office with a request for accommodations.

Title IX - Transgender Students

Schools are increasingly being called upon to include and support transgender students. Guidance from the Departments of Education and Justice is below. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Title IX Coordinator.

A. Terminology

  1. The term “gender identity” means an individual’s internal sense of gender; it may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth.
  2. The term “sex assigned at birth” means the sex designation recorded on an infant’s birth certificate.
  3. The term “Transgender” means an individual whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
  4. The term “gender transition” means the process in which transgender individuals begin asserting the sex that corresponds with their gender identity instead of the sex assigned at birth. Individuals begin to live and identify as the sex consistent with their gender identity and may dress differently, adopt a new name, and/or use pronouns consistent with their gender identity. The gender transition may happen at any stage in their lives and can happen swiftly or over a long period of time.

B. Safe and Nondiscriminatory Environment

  1. If a student is being targeted or harassed based on their gender identity, transgender status, or gender transition, it falls under Title IX and must be handled accordingly.
  2. When housing, restrooms, locker rooms, etc. are sex-specific, transgender students must have access to the facility or activity that matches their gender identities.

C. Identification Documents, Names/Pronouns, and Education Records

  1. FERPA requirements apply to a student’s transgender status, birth name, sex assigned at birth, etc. Records can be kept regarding this information, but the records must remain private. Disclosure violates FERPA and Title IX.
  2. When requested and where appropriate, the college will update records to reflect a person’s gender identity and preferred name.
  3. The college encourages addressing people using their preferred name and pronouns.

Title IX - Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct

NICC expects that all members of the College community - students, faculty, staff and friends - should be able to pursue their education and work in a safe environment, free from sexual coercion, violence or intimidation. The College is committed to fostering a safe campus environment where sexual misconduct and violence are unacceptable, and where survivors or those who believe they were harmed by another person are provided support and avenues of remedy as appropriate. All members of the College community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the rights of others. The Title IX efforts of NICC are focused on education and training to encourage a climate of sexual respect.

Title IX - Report an Incident

Report an incident online or contact the Title IX Coordinator or any NICC employee, to report a concern that involves sex or gender based violence, discrimination or harassment. If you are faced with an emergency or crisis, dial 911. NICC offers a confidential resource person on each campus. If you would like to speak to a confidential resource, contact a Campus Counselor.

The College prohibits any form of retaliation against a complainant. Any allegations of retaliation will result in an immediate investigation and appropriate action consistent with the College’s due process procedures.

Additional information, including a comprehensive list of support resources, can be found at www.nicc.edu/titleix

To report a concern or incident contact:

Kelly McMahon
Executive Director for Risk Management & Title IX Coordinator
8342 NICC Drive, Peosta IA 52068
844.642.2338, ext. 2477

To report an incident online: www.nicc.edu/incidentofconcern

Education and Awareness

NICC provides quality educational programs for its students and staff on social and contemporary issues. Guest lectures, video presentations and seminars are held to provide information to our College community about such areas as peer pressure resistance, health concerns, rehabilitation and awareness. When applicable, instructors provide educational information concerning social and contemporary issues within the academic environment.

Sex Offender Notification Policy

Sex Offender Registry: The College complies with the federal Campus Crimes Prevention Act (Section 1601 of Public Law 106-386) and Chapter 692A, Code of Iowa (Sex Offender Registry). In compliance with these laws the College advises the campus community on how information regarding registered sex offenders may be obtained (https://www.iowasexoffender.gov/). Chapter 692A, Code of Iowa requires registered sex offenders who attend or work for an institution of higher education to register with the sheriff in the county in which the institution is located.

Campus Emergencies

In the event of a campus emergency, an alarm will sound or an appropriate announcement will be made.  An emergency response guide, building evacuation routes and severe weather shelter areas are posted in each room.  Safety drills are held on a regular basis.

Medical Emergencies

A medical emergency may involve a person with any of the following symptoms: weakness, dizziness, paleness, chest pains, breathing difficulty, nausea, high pulse rate, heart palpitations, fainting and/or serious bleeding. In a medical emergency, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Call emergency services at 911 (dial 9 first to obtain an outside line if calling from college phone) and direct another student or staff member for assistance. Provide details on location (building, room) and nature of the problem.
  2. Direct another person to retrieve a first-aid kit or Automated External Defibrillator (AED), if needed.
  3. Provide first aid as appropriate and necessary. If the person is not breathing and no pulse is noted, administer CPR if trained and/or use AED. Do not move the person if the problem is a physical injury unless it is better to move the person to a safer area.
  4. Assist with contacting a family member, if requested.
  5. If medical service responders determine the person needs further attention, he/ she will be transported to the hospital.
  6. Reports of medical injuries are recorded by staff or student who addressed the event. Reports are available in MyCampus under the task “Report It”

Simple Injuries

This type of injury can be described as one that occurs from an accident while the individual is on campus. First-aid kits are available in designated areas throughout the campus.  All injuries must be reported on an emergency-medical incident form.  All injuries are reported. Electronic report forms are available in MyCampus under the task: Report It! Accident, Illness, Injury, Property/Damage.

Campus Closing

If inclement weather or other events would occur causing a delay or closure, the College will provide email and text notification using the RAVE alert system. Postings will be available from local media sources, social media and the college website.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of the free RAVE alert system. Information to enroll in the RAVE alert system is available on the MyCampus/Rave task.

Campus Security

Clery Act Annual Security Report

In 1991, the U.S. Congress passed the Student Right-to-Know and the Campus Security Act, which requires colleges to report the three previous years of statistics on murder, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft and statistics on arrests for drug and alcohol violations and weapons violations. In 1998, Congress passed an amendment renaming the act to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and required that all crimes motivated by hate or bias be included in the statistics. The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, Public Law 113-4, Section 304, requires the College to comply with all state and federal laws regarding sexual assault and all forms of sexual misconduct including intimate partner violence, stalking, dating violence, sexual violence, sexual harassment and domestic violence. The NICC Campus Crime and Security report is available at https://www.nicc.edu/about/consumer-information/.  Information concerning sex offenders in the NICC district can be found at www.iowasexoffenders.com.

Reporting Crimes

NICC has recognized the importance of maintaining a safe and secure learning environment. Students and staff are encouraged to report all criminal and/or suspicious activity to the Associate Vice President for Operations office or designee. In the event of an emergency, call 9-911 to expedite the appropriate response by authorities. All reports will be investigated.

Hostile Person/Intruder on Campus Notification and Procedure

The College can notify students and staff of a dangerous situation via email and text messaging using the RAVE alert system. Please take advantage of this free communication tool by registering for an account. Instructions are available through MyCampus/RAVE.

Security Procedures

The College security procedures for a hostile person/intruder on campus guide staff response if they witness behavior that includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Conduct that is hostile, aggressive, physically threatening or passively resistant
  2. Threats and/or presence of a weapon

The safest approach is to extract yourself from the direct threat environment and immediately contact staff or call 9-911 for assistance. When calling for assistance, please clearly state the location and nature of the incident.

Should an active security incident occur, the NICC Incident Command Team and local law enforcement will manage the situation and all staff will follow their directions until relieved of their duties.

Students and staff are encouraged to view the “Run, Hide, Fight” video posted at www.nicc.edu/emergency for safety guidelines in an active threat.

Campus Visitor Conduct

NICC is strongly committed to the safety of the College community. Safety helps to ensure a productive learning environment for students, faculty and staff. Campus visitors are expected to adhere to the same conduct expectations of the College community including civil, respectful and safe behaviors. NICC reserves the right to contact law enforcement officers to immediately remove anyone from College property who is deemed a threat to campus safety and security or who is disruptive to the learning and teaching environment. Such individuals will not be permitted to re-enter College property and will be notified in writing about the duration of their exclusion from College property.

Visitors with Minor Children

Visitors to campus who are accompanied by minor children are expected to provide direct supervision for the minor(s) at all times. In order to ensure the safety and security of children and to safeguard the educational and work environment of the college, no employee, student, or visitor may leave a child unattended. This includes campus buildings, campus grounds, or in vehicles in the college parking lots. Nor shall a child be left with a college employee, unless that employee is supervising the child in an authorized capacity for a program or activity in which the child is enrolled. Children are not permitted to be visitors in college classes, even if accompanied by an adult.

Service Animals on College Property

The College requests students who use service animals to contact the Disability Services Coordinator to register as a student with a disability. Higher education institutions may not require any documentation about the training or certification of a service animal. The College requires proof that a service animal has any vaccinations required by state or local laws that apply to all animals. Service animal accommodation requests made by students will be reviewed and assessed by the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for consistency with applicable laws and policies. The College reserves the right to make special modifications, within the confines of applicable law, to policies to reasonably accommodate the person requesting the accommodation. Emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy animals are not service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA.

Service animals are generally permitted to accompany people with disabilities on all College properties where students, faculty, staff, and visitors are allowed, in buildings/ facilities. A service animals access to certain areas on College property may need to be limited should the service animal’s presence create an undue hardship to the College. Service animals must be housebroken (i.e., trained so that controls its waste elimination, absent illness or accident) and must be kept under control by a harness, leash, or other tether unless the person is unable to hold those, or such use would interfere with the service animal’s performance of work or tasks. In such instances, the service animal must be kept under control by voice, signals, or other effective means. Individuals must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including vaccination, licensure, animal health and leash laws.

Students needing a service animal are encouraged to work with the ODS prior to bringing the service animal to campus to ensure reasonable accommodations are appropriately provided to the student. The service animal handler can best provide recommendations for faculty, staff, and students on procedures to interact with service animals. The ODS can assist with this communication, if requested. Additional information can be accessed at www.nicc.edu/disability.

Faculty and staff (or applicants for employment positions) needing a service animal are encouraged to contact NICC Human Resources Office prior to bringing the service animal to campus to ensure the accommodation request process is followed and reasonable accommodations are appropriately provided to the employee or applicant.


Northeast Iowa Community College - ADA/504/EEOC Contacts

Student Complaints:
Kelly McMahon
Executive Director for Risk Management
Peosta Campus, 236A
844.642.2338, ext. 2477

Employees Complaints:
Connie Kuennen
Executive Director of Human Resources
Calmar Campus, Administration, 108
844.642.2338, ext. 1300

Consumer Information

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the following information will be made available to currently enrolled and prospective students online at www.nicc.edu, and upon request.

  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rights.
  • Contact information for assistance in obtaining institutional or financial aid information.
  • Information on all need-based and non-need based federal, state, local, private and institutional financial assistance programs, terms and conditions of Title IV loans, criteria for selecting recipients for determining award amounts, eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid, methods and frequency of disbursements of aid, rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and terms of any loan received including a sample loan repayment schedule and the necessity of repaying the loan. Conditions applicable to employment provided as part of the financial aid package, and the exit counseling information the school provides and collects.
  • Information about facilities and services available to students with disabilities.
  • Information about the cost of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, transportation costs and other additional cost for a program.
  • Information on the school’s refund policy, procedures for official withdrawal and requirements for Return of Title IV aid.
  • Information about the academic programs including current programs, facilities that relate to the academic program, faculty and other instructional personnel and any plans for improving the academic program.
  • Statement of the transfer of credit policies
  • Policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement.
  • Information regarding programs that are in part or in fully offered by another entity.
  • Names of accrediting agencies and the procedures for obtaining and reviewing the documents that describe the accreditation approval or licensing.
  • Written notice with information on the penalties associated with drug-related offenses.
  • Immunization policies.
  • Information posted on the College Navigator website.
  • Information on student body and diversity.
  • Net Price Calculator.
  • ISBN and retail price information for required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed on the course schedule.
  • Disbursement of books and supplies for Pell-eligible students.
  • Drug and alcohol policies, procedures and support services.
  • Completion or graduation rates of certificate or degree-seeking first-time, full-time, undergraduate students.
  • Information regarding the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the school’s degree or certificate programs.
  • Retention rate of certificate or degree seeking, first-time, undergraduate students.
  • Annual Security Report.
  • Gainful Employment information required of all Gainful Employment academic programs.
  • Information about state grant and loan information, loan disclosures, student rights and responsibilities and information on entrance and exit counseling for student loan borrowers.
  • Code of Conduct for Educational Loans.