Campus Location: Calmar, Peosta
Program Entry: Enrollment may occur during any term. Fall term is the start of the program course sequence.
Award: Associate of Applied Science degree from Hawkeye Community College (HCC)
Description: The Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) program offers you the opportunity to take two semesters of study at NICC and then a summer term and one semester at Hawkeye Community College (HCC) in Waterloo before completing the 24-week clinical internship. NICC is an academic affiliate of the MLT program at HCC.
The Medical Laboratory Technician program prepares you to work under supervision of a medical technologist, pathologist or other qualified physician in a medical laboratory. A technician performs tests that aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Upon completion of the prescribed curriculum, the student is awarded an AAS degree from HCC and is eligible for the national board examination through the American Society of Clinical Pathology. The Medical Laboratory Technician program at HCC is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS).
Program Admission: In addition to the College enrollment process, applicants must apply for admission at Hawkeye Community College,
Academic Requirements: Students enrolled in health occupations programs must complete all required coursework with a “C-” grade or above and earn a minimum 2.0 grade point average to graduate from the program.
Program Requirements: Current physical and immunization records are required prior to the start of the clinical laboratory courses. You may also be required to complete a criminal record/child and adult abuse registry check for some clinical affiliations. A positive report may prevent you from attendance in clinical and completion of the program. You may be required to take preparatory courses in math, biology and chemistry prior to entering college courses. Students are subject to meeting all clinical requirements established by HCC.
Certification/Licensure: Program graduates may take a national certification examination. Because of the increased demand for laboratory services, certified workers are needed in hospital laboratories, clinics, physicians’ offices, public health agencies, research institutions and the armed forces. Upon graduation, you may also continue your education at a four-year institution to become a medical technologist.
Essential requirements for MLTs are provided so that potential applicants can independently evaluate their own ability to fulfill the expected requirements of an MLT. See Essential Requirements at
Minimum Credits: 28 plus HCC coursework